
What Is An Average Garage Size?

It is simple if you own two vehicles, then buy a double garage. If two or three cars, then have a triple garage. But the thing is any poor judgment on a garage has ripple effects like so soon expensive renovation or everyday parking challenges. It’s smart that before anything else, you can answer crucial questions such as what is the average garage size for your vehicles.

Average garage size (s)

Since almost everything is instant nowadays, some people oversimplify their decision. But what if you buy a single garage, but you find out its length is unfit for your truck or its width makes it hard for you to park a midsize SUV? Therefore, you need to be familiar with the average garage size of a single, double, or triple type of garage. 

Single garage. The average width of a single garage is 12 feet wide, while its length can be 20, 22, or 24 feet. Some also suggest that the average single-car garage size dimension is 14 by 28 feet.

Double garage. The average double garage size is 20 by 20 feet. However, there are some reviews that state it must be 24 by 24 or 24 by 30. 

Triple garage. The average three-car garage size is 31 by 20 feet or 32 by 22 feet.

These are just suggested measurements based on estimates of experts on vehicles’ sizes and ideal space around them. These can guide, but it is still a smarter move to consult a local garage builder or expert to help you get a better calculation for your garage plan. 

Helpful tips on garage size

A good gauge to get the right garage size is no less than checking the measurements of your vehicles. Let’s say you have two, make it a point that you measure each vehicle’s width, length, and height. Then get their average measurements and add a few more feet for clearance, headroom, or other factors. On both door sides, it’s valuable to allot distances, like 6 feet, so you have ample space whenever you open and close any doors.  

Other notes: 

Driveway. Watch out for the vertical clearance. Your vehicle may have enough headroom inside the garage but remember it goes out and comes back through a door. If the vertical clearance is unfit for any of your vehicles, it’s multi-damaging for you, your vehicle, and the garage. 

Detached or attached garage. A detached garage offers freedom since it has distance from your house, has its anchoring system, and uses utility lines. These are good points, but this type occupies more floor areas and probably erects close to a property line. In that case, better to talk with your homeowner’s association. On the other side, an attached garage is a space-saver, but you may have problems with distance for the walkway, driveway, or door. 

Allowed parking space. Sometimes, it is not up to you how big your garage size should be. There are local laws that can set the average size of a parking space per residence. This depends on different factors such as the size of the entire property, setbacks, or terrain. So, if you’re all set to put a garage in your property, drop in on your building permit agency and check their specifics on garages.