
What’s The Average Size Of A 2 Car Garage?

A large double-car garage can mean a roomy parking space, but it can also indicate double expense and responsibility. It is a big deal, especially if you are living in the city since most local governments implement more stringent guidelines on the size an owner can use for a vehicle shelter. Therefore, if you like to have a two-car or double garage, the average two-car garage size is a safe choice.

If there’s also a space constraint or uncertainty in plans, the average size double garage is the logical option. 

The exact size of an average two-car garage?

If you consider most car types, 24×24 feet two-car garage size is the average or standard to store two vehicles. It is fit if you include the average width, which is 6 feet to 6.5 feet, and length, which is 14.7 feet to 15 feet, of most cars. Then if you combine the width of two cars, 12 feet to 13 feet wide, there are more areas to use. The remainder is suitable to get adequate distances between the two and clearances around the vehicles.

The minimum required gap between the two cars is 36 inches. However, the ideal is 2.5 feet and above for the convenient opening and closing of the vehicle doors. It is also for the sake of the driver and passengers, whichever door they get in and out. The 24×24 feet shelter is good enough for the veteran or newbie driver to enjoy capacious side, front, and back clearance for smooth parking.

A bit bigger than the 24×24 feet garage is, of course, much better. Hence, the 24×30 feet garage is likewise considered an average size. It is ideal if you have lengthy vehicles or other plans for your garage. The extra spaces are also a perfect place for a cabinet, bench, or equipment. 

Average versus the minimum size of a two-car garage 

 Labels of garage sizes are often for the sake of naming a concept or idea. In the case of a two-car garage, there is a misconception that any vehicle can place inside of it. The problem is that this makes your parking space too cramped.

Analyzing, therefore, the sizes of your vehicles is of utmost importance. It is not only about if you own dissimilar types, say a camp van and sedan. Take note that even the typical cars vary in widths, lengths, and heights. Some also come with distinct features like supercars or autos with exotic doors. Though petite, these vehicles still require spacious width and length when placed inside your garage. Therefore, the minimum size of a two-car garage makes sense if you have two mini cars with similar measures. The considered smaller size of a double car garage is 20×20 feet.

Owning more than one vehicle is a natural resolution for owners who plan or experience changes. It can be for a business purpose or the diverse needs of the family. This decision also involves another concern, and that is a vehicle shelter for two cars. With an average two-car garage like 24×24 feet or 24×30 feet, you can avoid spending on space you don’t need. Additionally, you also evade the disadvantage of a scanty and accident-prone vehicle shelter.